We have good news, good news and more good news....

Kent will definitely get the "certificate". The wording of said Certificate is uncertain at this point. We will definitely take hundreds of photos at graduation, including a close up of the great certificate. We will then forward these photos to every person we have ever met!

Yee hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will all be on that list.

A significant detail has apparently been omitted: Kent not only passed the retake but earned the highest score! Ya ya. But because it was a re-take, it only counts as passing for his purposes. Who cares??! We know that he performed so well because all of our friends were rooting for us and supporting us and praying for him. That is what turned the tide. He could have just given up and called it a day. But he got up and showed up and performed better than he ever has in any event. And under time, too.

For one brief moment in time, Kent was the first, the best, a perfect 10. We look forward to many more of these moments!

The distinguished gentleman from Shaing Hi is still at the top overall. He is consistently the best when it comes to precision issues. This gentleman is very sweet, too. He is 27 and is quite humble. He has had dinner with us a number of times. ...well I sure digressed there.

You may have noticed that the Swiss classmates are never mentioned. That's because there aren't any. Kent is taking the class in English. The same course is taught each year in French and German, too. The European watchmakers go to those classes. WOSTEP’s refresher course system has only been around for a little while, designed specifically for people like Kent who are very good but wouldn't be able to reach Swiss standard b/c of the language barrier.

Regarding the Indian food photo--believe it or not this was our first time in an Indian restaurant. I'm not sure how that happened?? Same way we never encountered Espresso--therapy just doesn't help some people.

Thanks for reading our mania report for the day. As the gentle reader has waded through the depressed view last time, then you need enjoy the ecstasy and celebration of the day. Bis Morgan.

on May 15, 2004
Good going!